James Veitch's "Comedy Special" Limited edition pre-order
James Veitch will attempt to film this mostly in his living room and may well be a disappointment to all those involved. Will probs come out on or around xmas time. But do not count on this.
James Veitch will attempt to film this mostly in his living room and may well be a disappointment to all those involved. Will probs come out on or around xmas time. But do not count on this.
James Veitch will attempt to film this mostly in his living room and may well be a disappointment to all those involved. Will probs come out on or around xmas time. But do not count on this.
I’ve spent the past two years reverse engineering NFTs back into their original tangible incarnations. The result is a stunning box set.
That's right. James Veitch's "Comedy" Special Movie Film is available as a beautiful Limited Edition Collectors' Edition. Each one of these charming, handmade* boxes will be expertly** crafted*** by an expert in their craft.
But what’s inside the box? Turning a digital comedy special into a physical object feels a bit like those pop-up blockbuster kiosks that would burn a DVD for you (is that what they did?) and now DVDs are out so I figured it would have to be a USB key fob but no matter how “premium” (i do not like this word?) the box surrounding it is, it’s still just a regular old USB thumb drive key fob thing. And I’ve never seen a key fob that didn’t look sad.
* doubtful
** not incompetently
*** manufactured
So I wanted something different. Something lovely. Something to “surprise and delight.” And, guys, I searched far and wide (on the internet), spoke to many people (I found on the internet) and then it hit me (the answer not the internet). Introducing the …
Universal. Serial. Duck. (USD)
The ultimate vector.. Each one of these suckers is going to be loaded up with my special and then placed into its special—collectors—edition—look—good—on—mantle—would—tie—most—rooms—together box and then shipped off to you where you will love it and adore it until you put it in the attic and forget about it forever.
The duck itself is formed from a combination of materials including two that I am calling "rubber" and "plastic." Mainly it is rubber. They are yellow and orange and adorable.
And USD has so many advantages over conventional USB.
Let’s take a look at them ….
Removing your duck from its box is almost criminally satisfying. - and then
You can plug it directly into your computer
… your dock
Or even directly into your tv
And then obviously, once you’re done, you’re obliged to put it back in its snug hole (again, satisfying) ready for next time (Two or three viewings in and I expect it may end up just getting better still; like Breaking Bad in this regard tbh)
But, obviously, before you do any of that you need to take the head off and …
A brief word on decapitation
Look, no one should be asked to remove a duck's head from a duck's body but that’s exactly what I'm asking you to do. Obviously in order to get to the data inside the duck you are going to have to remove its head. This is nothing to worry about as I have checked and the head pops right back on. If you are squeamish I recommend buying two copies of the boxed special. Have a friend remove the head from one duck and leave the other intact. This means you will always have access to the special while still admiring a fully intact duck. When you're not using it, I recommend hiding the body of the other, more unfortunate, one.
And that’s it really. We’re probably looking at a release around xmas time but DO NOT COUNT ON THIS. Put it this way; the last pre-order I did was for a game that I meant to come out in about a month but ended up taking a year. Anyway pre-order now and be the first to receive your USD.